Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day Four - Cravings

I deserve a medal... or a chicken terriaki medallion, whichever.

So the last few days have been interesting to say the least. First and foremost I haven't eaten anything bed so there's a good start. I have definitely been under-eating (not on purpose) and it has really hit me today. I work at a service station  as a second job and standing there this morning with a stomach growling loud enough for customers to hear, all I could think about was shit food. I was surrounded in a sea of chocolate bars, potato chips, soft drink, ice-cream and hot pastries. It was hell. I could nearly see the little angel and devil on my shoulders whispering their arguments in my ear. I made it. I even took the backstreets home to make sure I didn't drive pass a drive-through.

Yesterday I officially became a gym member which is something I have NEVER done. I see a personal trainer weekly but one workout a week won't cut it so I've joined the 24-hour gym down the road. No excuse for not using it - they're always open!

Another thing that has really been ticking me off is that thanks to my wonderful new diet my skin is breaking out as it starts to flush all the toxins out. You want to do a 'DE-TOX'? seriously just eat good fresh healthy food and your body will flush itself right out.

So the Pros and Cons of the week are
Energy levels have lifted slightly.
Joined the gym. I abstained from eating anything naughty.
Toxins are leaving my body.
I'm sleeping ALOT better.

Still hungry because I have under-eaten, but I won't have a snack to make up for it - I'll make sure I get the right amount tomorrow.
My face and skin look awful and there's a new puss filled lump every 12 hours to pop.

That's it. mmmmm Pros outweigh the Cons. Could have been a better start but that's no reason to quit now. Killing that Fat Lady slowly, one celery stick at a time.


  1. nice work not caving into the junk
    ESPECIALLY in your work situation!
    keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks B, now I just have to do it all again tonight!
