Friday, March 1, 2013

From TTC to Birth Control

So after I got married a few years ago, my husband and I decided that we would stop using birth control and see what happens. After about 9 months, nothing had happened and we weren't too concerned. After all, I wasn't tracking my cycle and he works away so he is only home every few weeks or so. We decided to actively try to conceive, which was still difficult with his work schedule but we managed to time my ovulation right with him being home a few times. A year and a half later nothing has happened. Every time my period was due I would analyze everything I was feeling, cross referencing it against pregnancy symptoms. There was one time that I was over a week late with no period and then it came and was full of small clots. I never tested positive on a test so I doubt I was pregnant. Every month, the same heartache. 
As I have now decided to GO AHEAD with gastric bypass surgery I have had to deal with a very bit spanner in the works. No children for 12-18months. In the blink of an eye (or a series of appointments with GP's, Surgeons, Dietitians, Physiologists, & Psychologists) I have made a decision that has turned our plans 180 degrees. Now I welcome each period (which then decides to come late just to heighten my paranoia). I'm terrified of the thought of accidentally falling pregnant now before surgery. Or after. 
Now I am on the quest once again for birth control. It's not as easy as it used to be. When I was younger and I started dating, I was on the pill and when I started having sex, we used condoms. However, since then I have discovered that I am allergic to latex (bye, bye condoms. Yes tried latex free - no way!), I don't want to use anything that will hinder my fertility (if I am fertile at all) in the future, so we can start trying again as soon as we are ready. So the injection is out. The ring is out because with my size I can't see how easy it would be for me to self insert that every month. The pill is an option, with 3-6 months to wait before my body will restore itself and then there's the marina, which is a procedure that the doctor has told me will more than likely be quite uncomfortable as my cervix would be quite tight as I haven't had children yet. I'm concerned.......... No that's not right - I'm shit scared that the pill won't absorb in my new little stomach pouch thingy and IF my weight has been the only thing hindering me falling pregnant, as I lose weight my fertility will increase.
Can't they hurry up and get something on the market for MEN.
I'm sick of forking out money for all these appointments! 

Someone help me make a damn decision.

Overwhelmed Fat Lady.

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